Photo gallery

Laland Lab eating at German restaurant
The Laland Lab enjoys a typical German meal with Sonia Sultan while in Ploen for the Talking Evolution workshop.


World Science Festival panel
Kevin participates in the 2017 World Science Festival program entitled, “The Social Synapse: Neuroscience and the Roots of Human Connections”.


World Science Festival interview
Bill Blakemore interviews Kevin and Augustin Fuentes at the 2017 World Science Festival.


World Science Festival book signing
Kevin and Augustin Fuentes at their 2017 World Science Festival book signings.


fishing for stickebacks
Helen collects breeding sticklebacks from lochs around Scotland.


stickleback fieldwork
Helen fertilises stickleback eggs onsite next to the loch.


Hay Festival
Kevin presents at the Hay Festival of Literature and the Arts.


Waterstones book talk
Kevin gives a book talk at the Waterstones bookshop.


Waterstones book signing
Kevin’s book signing at Waterstones, St Andrews.


Mike in the field
Mike Webster and Helen Spence-Jones join the Foster/Baker lab (Clark University) for field work in Alaska.


KLI workshop participants
The Laland Lab attends the first EES workshop, “Cause and Process in Evolution” at the KLI, Austria.


Laland Lab in Vienna
The Laland Lab in Vienna for a conference.


Laland Lab at Heuriger
The Laland Lab enjoying Austrian wine.


Lewis Dean and chimpanzees
Lewis Dean testing chimpanzees with a cumulative social learning task.


Kevin with kea
One bird takes exception at Kevin’s claim that keas are rubbish at social learning.


Laland made FRSE
For he’s a jolly good fellow! The man they call ‘The Professor’ is made FRSE (Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh).


A science retreat to the countryside.


Laland lab curling team
The Laland Lab Curling Team official photo.


Kevin curling
Kevin leading from the front. Our Curling World Championship campaign was brave-hearted but brief.


Jeremy fishing
Jeremy Kendal looking for fish in the field.


Boat trip Madeira
Kevin and Lewis Dean on a boat trip in Madeira.


Laland lab group photo
The Laland Lab enjoy a typical sunny day in St Andrews.